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JNPL Super League Expressions of Interest U8-U12

October 20, 2021

Register your interest in the Junior NPL SUPER LEAGUE

St Albans Saints Dinamo SC are proud to announce that we are one of the founding Junior NPL clubs to be a part of the exciting new Junior NPL Super League!
The new concept has been established to create both a post and pre season competition for Junior NPL clubs to participate in.

As a club, we believe that this will be a great opportunity to develop a true pathway for our elite junior talent.

St Albans Saints Dinamo SC are currently seeking expression of interest via the jotform below as we will be taking only 1 team per age group as per competition rules.


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February 9, 2021
Welcome to the new St Albans Saints Dinamo SC website. We are happy to announce that we have opened our online store which makes it even easier for you to get your merchandise. We have also included an area where you can pay for your membership, make a donation or renew your player registration. Designed and developed by icu2 in Melbourne, Dom Dedic and Robert Cop worked on building a website that provides and engaging and interesting user experience. The website showcases the best of the club, and serves to provide the local community with all club related news, views, pics and videos. For more information, call Domagoj Dedic from icu2 on 1300 762 209 or visit for more information.
February 1, 2021
A big thank you to everyone that attended this years Dinamo Car & Bike Show. Great to see so many beautiful cars & bikes. The 2021 Dinamo Car & Bike Show category winners are as follows: CARS: Best of Show – Nik Borovac, 1970 Holden HG Monaro Best Muscle Car – Nick Dumic, 1968 Dodge Charger Best Ford – Brad Petschauer, 1969 Ford XW Best Holden – Rino Smilovic, 1969 Holden HT Monaro Best Chrysler – Nick Dumic, 1968 Dodge Charger Best Old Skool (Pre 1980) – Russell Arthur, 1932 Ford Coupe Best Engine – Jason Cassar, 1969 Holden Brougham Best Interior – Spiro Ellul – 1968 Ford Firebird Best Exterior – Jure Marinac, 1967 Chevy Impala Best Paint Job – Dave Jurcic, 1967 Chevy Camaro Dinamo Choice Award – Tiarna Strauss, 1972 Holden HQ Monaro I&D Choice Award – Jure Marinac, 1967 Chevy Impala BIKES: Best of Show – David Leigh, 2008 Harley Soft Top Best Custom – Fred Argento, 2015 Yamaha Best Paint Job – Naz Vella, 1999 Harley Indian Chief Dinamo Choice Award – David Leigh, 2008 Harley Soft Top
February 7, 2020
Senior Jersey Presentation on Friday evening, Feb 7th, showed Saint’s teams for coming season 2020. Club President Mark Maric as MC announced all coaches and teams photos have been taken. Buffet and live music with some traditional food and drinks as a dinner reminded all that this evening was like Family momentum before the start of new season. Predstavljanje ekipa U-18, U-20, ženske ekipe i prve momčadi Dinama, održano je u petak, 7. veljače u velikoj dvorani kluba gdje je predsjednik Mark Marić vodio program i pozivao trenere na kratke osvrte pred novu sezonu. Fotografije ekipa, uz ukusnu večeru i piće, kao da je još jednom pokazalo kako se nogometna ekipa okupila zajedno uoči NPL-a 2020. godine!
February 3, 2020
CRO CUP results: FINAL: Melbourne Knights – Hajduk Dandenong City 4:1 THIRD PLACE: Dinamo St Albans – North Geelong Warriors 7:1 The message from Cro Car & Bike Show organisers: A very big thank you to all that attended yesterday for CRO Car and Bike Show 2020. I apologise in advance if I’ve missed anyone. It was a fantastic day but wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the CC&BS Committee, Croatian Events Australia, Croatians with Muscle, Yashi, volunteers, sponsors and of course the community. A very big thank you to our major sponsor I&D Group, our amazing volunteers: Helen Kovač, Summer Kovač, Tommy Kovač, Caroline Novak, Tania Bozic, Jason Razumic, Branx Cvitkovic, John Biloš, Nikola Medved, Nik Coric, Mario Knezevic, Vedran Tadič, Matej Odobasič, Ivica Glavaš, Ante Kasic, Tania Lozina, St. Albans Dinamo committee, staff and all that helped on the day. We would also like to thank our Forklore groups LADO Geelong and Mladi Hrvati Clifton Hill. Regrettably Hrvatska Zora were unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you Michael Pinjuh and especially DJ Jarac for helping us on such short Notice, NERETVA, all our stall holders that were able to attend Julie Knezevic – Lorraine Lea, Jamie Tulič – Ružo HR, Daniel Eres – Pero’ Wine, Dijana – Granny’s Burek, Vivian – Coffee Van, Mal Farrugia – Restoriix & Optus. All the people and companies who donated in some way’s Square Cut Homes & Constuctins, Čekič, Hrvatski Dom Geelong, Slavonija Butchers, LeMans Toyota D.P, Royal Crown Car Detailing, SignUTOPIA, Norman Carriers, Ivica Glavaš, Totally Kaotic Designs. All that came from interstate, Geelong, Dandenong and around Victoria with car/bike or without thank you for your support. Once again thank you for an amazing day and thank you god for the beautiful weather. May god bless you all, please take time to look at our awesome photos. Osvrt Damira Posavca: U Melbourneu na stadionu Dinama St Albans, održan je dvostruki program: revija Odltimera i Cro kup četiri hrvatska ligaša iz NPL Viktorije. Uspješno predstavljanje sedamdesetak automobila od kojih je jedan čak iz 1934. godine. Vrijedni organizatori Anita Medved i Tom Kovač sa svojim suradnicima (Anth Medič, Mark Krnjič, Sandra Čorić, Željko Medved, Damir Marković, Marko Medved) prvim su djelom programa zaokupili pozornost publike koja je očekivala još jedan tradicionalni kup hrvatskih klubova Melbournea i gostiju iz susjednog grada Geelonga. Pobjednik Cro kupa postala je najiskusnija momčad, nekad i prvak Prve lige Australije (NSL) – Melbourne Knights. Momčad iz Sunshinea u finalu savladala je Hajduk iz Dandenonga s 4:1! Za treće mjesto Dinamo je pobjedio susjede iz Geelonga s visokih 7:1. Više od tisuću Hrvata i njihovih prijatelja iz drugih etničkih zajednica bilo je nazočno ovom simpatičnom programa po ugodnom sunčanom vremenu. Vrijedni djelatnici Dinama kao i svi suradnici, pa čak i djeca, odradili su veliki posao za brojnu publiku te i ovim putem još jednom puno hvala što tako stojite uz svoj klub!
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